Address: 57 subash complex opposite MPEB office Jaora district- Ratlam MP 457226




Hiding will never solve your sexual problems

Get root-cause treatment, privately

Sexual problems remain untreated because of shame and embarrassment. For the lack of proper treatment, the problem becomes even more complicated, often causing problems in conjugal life. Ayurveda can effectively treat sexual disorders with special Rasayanas and herbs.

Sexual underperformance is a major concern for the aged population.

In general, Klaibya (Erectile Dysfunction), Bandhatya (Infertility), Shukraghata (Premature Ejaculation) and Female Frigidity are some of the most common sexual problems that are observed in patients today. Mental anxiety, stress, lack of proper nutrition and presence of ama reduces potency, strength and vigour by impacting the Shukra Dhatu. In addition to that, sexual problems can also happen as a result of other medical conditions or diseases such as Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol, Obesity, Parkinson's Disease, or as a result of side effects caused by certain medications.

Anand Ayurveda!

But in recent years younger age groups have also reported sexual problems because of a stressful lifestyle and non-nutritious diet and lifestyle.Doctors at Anand Ayurveda have successfully consulted 2324 cases of sexualdisorders and treated the root-cause with personalized diet and lifestyle. Consult a Anand Ayurveda doctor today.

Aayunique - Our Treatment Philosphy Every person is unique, hence treatment for the person’s disease must be unique too. Anand Ayurveda doctors take the Aayunique approach, which includes: